Save the right deals on time

Stay updated on status of each deal and intervene when needed.

Trusted by the world's best companies

Struggling with deal updates, and can't find time to focus on building strategies?

But sales managers like you often face these challenges

Listening to sales calls is eating up your personal time.
Not knowing which meetings join and which deals to allocate your time to.
Incomplete CRM data making it difficult to trust your dashboards.

Hit your targets consistently

Know where every deal stands instantly and build deal strategies that win customers

Get instant deal scorecards

Oliv tracks MEDDICC, BANT, SPICED, or Custom scorecards for every deal in your pipeline.

Automatically map your accounts

Oliv automatically identifies the champion, economic buyer, and key influencers, and assesses their understanding of your product.

Build game plans that close

Oliv tracks and highlights the next steps for every deal, helping you stay on top of your pipeline.

And that's not all

Oliv updates your CRM properties automatically with deal information extracted from calls.

This is going to be your new home at Oliv

Check any deal instantly. Jump in when needed

Out with the old, in with Oliv

Start your day with an overview of your team's pipeline

Stop wasting time checking the status of each deal.

Get a snapshot of daily team meetings, key deal statuses, and choose which meetings to join.

Keep track of how the day is progressing

Don't feel left out of the action.

Receive quick summaries in Slack and Microsoft Teams right after meetings to grasp what happened and plan next steps for deals.

Wrap up with end-of-the-day snapshots

No need to go through hours of recordings during dinner prep or dog walks.

Receive daily end-of-day snapshots to monitor which deals progressed, spot trends, and decide on actions to move the key deals forward.

Prep for your 1:1s 10x faster

Don't spend the entire 1:1 on reviewing and updating the CRM.

Oliv automatically summarizes the reps' week, including deal progress, issues needing attention, and recommended next steps.

We work with the tools you already use

Oliv effortlessly integrates with your existing tools, ensuring a smooth and efficient workflow for your sales process.

Oliv takes care of your reps too!


Oliv sends reminders and does research for their meetings, keeping your reps prepared for meetings.


Oliv offers live transcription, suggests questions, and automates note-taking, letting reps concentrate on the conversation.


Oliv makes your team’s life easier by automatically updating client info, sending follow-up emails, and suggesting next steps to close deals.

Your data is safe with us

We protect your data so that you can focus on growing your business with peace of mind


We adhere to high standards for managing your information, maintaining trust in every transaction


Oliv's designed for GDPR compliance, protecting personal data and user rights across EU


We respect transparent data practices with the privacy rights of California

What our users say

"It's wildly helpful for a person like me who has to take notes but hates to be taken away from the conversation"

Patrick Gregg
Strategic Account Manager

"It seems like a cool tool, as you know the most annoying thing is follow-ups and taking notes, but if there's a way to automate that, then it's great"

L.J. Haboush
Catalyst Software
New Business Development

"It's a good way to come more prepared, the data has been pretty accurate."

Chris Wittig
Mission Cloud
Senior Sales Manager

"You are going plus, next generational"

Al Stefan
Spinnaker Sales Group
Partner, Sales Practice Lead

Lead your team to hit targets and close more deals

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