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Introducing Oliv - the world’s first AI copilot for sales managers

Published on
Aug 16, 2024


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Over the past two years, Oliv has transformed how sales reps manage meetings and close deals. During this journey, we’ve had conversations with several sales managers, all asking a common question: How can AI help me?

To answer that, we need the answer to another question: What do sales managers want?
They want to exceed their sales quota, mentor their reps to close deals faster and to always be aware of how their pipeline looks

There is no shortage of applications that claim to help you achieve this—think Gong, Clari, Salesforce, and Fireflies, to name a few.

But what do you really get?

  • 100+ hours of recorded meetings every week that no one wants to listen to.
  • 40 custom CRM fields that AEs fill with "N/A" or "123."
  • Or worse, insights for every sales activity that amount to nothing when you try to figure out why the deal won't close.

We saw your problem. We took time to understand the complexity of your work, goals and challenges. And we’ve built the solution for you.

Welcome to Oliv for sales managers

What makes Oliv different?
Insights are only as useful as the actions they drive, and Oliv understands this distinction.
Oliv provides insights specifically designed to help you take actions that move deals forward.

Oliv joins your reps' meetings, integrates seamlessly with your CRM to keep your deals fully updated and generates actionable insights to keep your deals moving forward.

We’ve built Oliv to give you:

1. Unmatched pipeline visibility and prioritization

Oliv gives you pipeline visibility at both the deal and rep levels with detailed insights delivered as easy-to-consume one-pagers instead of you going through lengthy and incomplete CRM entries.

Weekly Forecast One Pager that prioritizes deals with momentum, spotlights risks and flags urgent actions, keeping you ready to confidently decide deal commitments, especially for your Monday call with your VP of Sales.

Oliv goes one level deeper to give you,

Daily Insights like the morning brief that highlights the key deals moving that day and the important meetings you should join, and sunset summary that gives you insights on notable deal progress, new deals, and roadblocks, providing a clear view of your daily sales activities.

2. Proactive deal management

For every deal, Oliv automatically condenses essential information, like blockers and suggested next steps, into a single view based on any sales framework[MEDDICC, BANT, SPICED].

But there's more:

Oliv Moment Finder auto flags objections and deal blockers along with precise extracted clips, letting you review and take action right away.
The Buying Committee Map gives you a mapped chart view of all the key stakeholders from the prospect's organization, their objections, involvement in buying process so you can ensure every key player is addressed to accelerate closures.

3. Automation of sales processes

Oliv automates manual and repetitive sales processes like deal updates based on the latest interactions, meeting dispositions, and CRM custom field population to save time while also keeping your CRM up-to-date and consistent across deals.

4. (Launching soon) Personalized coaching for your reps

With CRM updates and manual processes taken care of, your weekly 1-on-1 with your reps can focus on meaningful coaching. Oliv gives you personalised insights for every rep that can help you take your coaching session beyond basic feedback.

The Rep Scorecard details their strengths and actionable areas of improvement based on their completed meetings. It includes extracted moments from meetings enabled by Oliv Moment Finder to help them better handle objections and blockers.  

We're so excited for you to try Oliv and witness the success it brings to both you and your team. This is the beginning of a new era in sales management that prioritizes selling, streamlined operations and meaningful mentorship.

Ready to experience Oliv right away? Sign up and try for free

For a detailed look into every feature, check out Oliv for Sales Managers 101

Watch for more exciting updates and subscribe to our blog for the latest and greatest from Oliv AI.

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