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Oliv for Sales Managers 101

Published on
Aug 16, 2024


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In this comprehensive guide, we'll explain all the key features of Oliv for Sales Managers. Let's get started.

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In this update

1. Oliv insights
  • Weekly Forecast One Pager
  • Weekly Rep-Pipeline One Pager
  • Morning Brief
  • Sunset Summary

2. Deal deep dive
  • Advanced Deal View
  • Oliv Moment Finder
  • The Buying Committee Map

3. Auto-population of CRM

4. Automation of sales processes

5. Personalized coaching

1. Oliv insights

Oliv gives you pipeline visibility at both the deal and rep levels with detailed insights delivered as easy-to-consume one-pagers.

Weekly Forecast One-Pager

Our 'Weekly forecast' report provides:

  • In-depth analysis of deals edging towards commitment
  • Identification of deals with a need for priority action
  • Key deals to keep focus on

This comprehensive overview is perfect for preparing you for calls with management. During these calls, you can confidently discuss the pipeline and make informed decisions.

Weekly Rep-Pipeline One Pager

The 'rep-pipeline' report gives you:

  • Top five deals moving through the pipeline
  • What’s closing soon and what might need a nudge
  • Tailored suggestions where you can help accelerate the conversation

Let's say this report highlights a critical deal vital to the quarter’s targets, indicating that it may stall due to pending approval from the prospect's finance team.

With this insight, you can arrange a meeting between the prospect’s CFO and your senior financial advisor to address their concerns and expedite the approval process, ensuring the deal closes on time.

Morning Brief

The 'Morning brief' is a one-pager that gives you an overview of:

  • Number of scheduled meetings for every rep
  • List of essential meetings that might need your presence (like those with high-revenue accounts or meetings where the CTO is a participant)
  • List of meetings where your reps might need a little backup (think InfoSec grilling sessions or tech-heavy discussions)
  • Active, stagnant, and closed-lost deals

Sunset Summary

The 'Sunset summary' gives you an in-depth analysis of the day’s activities:

  • Important meetings and their outcomes
  • Overview of how deals are progressing
  • List of new deals created and their value
  • Deal blockers that require action
  • Key insights and next steps for each deal

2. Deal deep dive

Advanced deal view

For every deal, Oliv AI consolidates all relevant deal information into a single, easy-to-understand deal view based on any sales framework [MEDDICC, BANT, SPICED], enabling you to make informed decisions quickly.

For example, with a glance, you can quickly identify if a deal is on track or if any blockers need your attention.

Oliv Moment Finder

For every insight that Oliv gives you about the deal, like an identified objection or blocker, it automatically adds the relevant clip extracted from the meeting recording. You'll always have the context; you can review, share, and take action immediately!

Let's say that during an important meeting with the prospect, they raised a critical objection about your product's integration capabilities. With Oliv's Moment Finder, you can instantly access the exact moment this objection was raised, review the context, and share the clip with your technical team. This lets you quickly gather the necessary information to address the prospect's concern and resolve this blocker.

The Buying Committee Map

For every deal, Oliv gives you a buying committee map to clearly see who’s involved and what their pain points and objections are.

Let's say the CTO has raised some technical concerns about a key deal. With Oliv, you can quickly identify this using the Buying Committee Map and prepare your rep with the right information to address those concerns. You can also see that the CFO is aligned with the financial benefits of your solution, providing a strategic angle to strengthen your proposal.

3. Auto-population of CRM

With Oliv, every deal on your CRM, including your custom CRM fields, is auto-populated after meetings for any sales framework you use, such as BANT, SPICED, MEDDICC, etc.

Instead of discussing missed CRM field entries with your reps, you can dive straight into strategizing how to close a high-value deal stuck in the negotiation stage.

4. Automation of sales processes

With Oliv AI, you can automate critical processes and skip the hassle of enforcing them to maintain a consistent sales workflow.

Oliv can automate:

  • Account, Contact, Opportunity creation and enrichment
  • Updation of deal details like deal status, value, etc., after every meeting
  • Meeting dispositions, etc.

With Oliv AI, you can set these processes once and let them run, staying in the loop and on top of every detail effortlessly.

5. (Launching Soon) Personalised coaching: Rep Performance Scorecard

With CRM hygiene taken care of, your weekly 1-on-1 meetings can now focus on meaningful coaching. Oliv AI provides personalized insights for each rep, enabling you to take your coaching sessions beyond basic feedback.

For instance, let's say you notice that the rep is excellent at building rapport but frequently encounters objections related to pricing. With Oliv Moment Finder, you can pull up specific moments from past meetings where these objections were raised. By focusing on these critical moments, you provide targeted coaching that addresses real issues, helping your rep improve their performance and close more deals.

We've done our part in transforming the way reps manage meetings and close deals, and we're ready to do the same for Sales Managers.

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We'll continue to problem-solve and innovate to help sales organizations, so keep an eye out for more exciting updates and subscribe to our blog for the latest and greatest from Oliv AI.

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